Flag, coat of arms, national anthem, geography and map


National Flag of Romania

The national flag of Romania is a tricolors: red, yellow and blue. It has not undergone many or major changes in the course of history.



Coat of Arms of Romania

An eagle holding a cross in its beak and a sword and a scepter in its claws, as well as the symbols of the five historical provinces - Wallachia, Moldova, Transylvania, Banat and Dobrogea. The heraldic commission set up to design a new coat of arms for Romania worked intensely, subjecting to Parliament two final designs which were then combined. What emerged is the current design adopted by the two Chambers of Romania's Parliament in their joint session of September 10, 1992.



National Anthem of Romania

The lyrics of the national anthem belong to Andrei Muresan (1816-1863), a Romantic poet, journalist, translator, a genuine tribune of the times marked by the 1848 Revolution. The music was composed by Anton Pann (1796-1854), a poet and ethnographer, a man of great culture, a singer and author of music textbooks.

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file .RA (imn-rom.ra - 81552 bytes)



Geographic location and Bordering

Geographic location: Romania is located in the south east of the Central Europe, north of the Balkan Peninsula, in the lower of the Danube basin, bordering the Black Sea.

Bordering: 3,181.7 Km of border in the north and east - Ukraine and Republic of Moldova (1,327.3 km), west- Hungary (444.8 km), in south-west Yugoslavia (544.3 km), in south - Bulgaria (631.3 km), and in south-east Black Sea (234.0 km).




237,500 km2 / 91,500 mile2; the 13 position in Europe



Physical Map



Administrative division

41 counties and Bucharest municipality (with a county status), 260 towns (of which 57 municipalities), 2,688 communes (with about 13,000 villages).









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